2016 - was a most exciting year! Wishing you and yours a healthy and Happy: Christmas and Hanukkah!!And a Joyous New Year

So much has happened this year, and I have so much to be thankful for. My days have been filled with family, friends, students , painting and travel,  and  these are all my favorite ways to spend my time! I am very fortunate indeed.

I have participated in Plein Air Festivals, both in Florida and Colorado. Signed with new galleries. Taken an award here and there. My collectors have encouraged me with sales; and my students continually  motivate me and awe me with their talent and passion. I have even managed to post some new paintings on my Web Site.

My friends keep me humble, and my family inspires me to want to be the best I can be. 

On a personal note, we have bought a new house which we are remodeling, and our family keeps growing - keeping Steve and I busier than ever. The days fly by.

I will try to be more diligent about posts and updates in the coming months. Meantime, I work hard at becoming a better painter, experimenting, reading, taking workshops and painting, painting, painting. 

Classes are held at my studio: Wednesdays from 1-4. Limited space. Please contact me if you are interested. Email: patimaguire@aol.com

I wish you all a coming year filled with health and satisfaction; friends and inspiration, and the joy of family and friends. Pati